I have officially hit 1 year blogging and I honestly am patting myself on the back that I am still doing this (haha). I started the blog as a creative outlet for me, a way to express myself, and share the things I loves with anyone who will read it! It also makes for a very great way to document our trips and memories. I want to start by saying a huge THANK YOU for everyone who has been keeping up with my blog, my social media posts, my stories, all who have subscribed,, everything!!! I seriously appreciate it, more than you know! I have a tight knit group of supporters that have been with me from the beginning, and I want to especially thank you guys! My husband started the blog when I started it and he has seriously been a trooper throughout this. Thank you to my mom and sisters for encouraging me to keep going and affirming me throughout this! I love all of you guys!! I see you!
An honest moment here, this has been harder than expected. Something many people may or may not know is that most sites have analytics. You are able to see things like how many people view the post, how many people click the link from the email, who subscribes/unsubscribes, etc. I got more subscribers before I actually wrote a post than this whole year that I have actually been blogging. I put so much into each post, and as I was looking at the analytics way too much. I noticed that I was not getting much traction and interaction. This was discouraging for me. A part of me questioned if this was worth doing, spending time that I barely have to blog. Blogging isn’t my day job, I actually monitor oncology clinical trials (it’s stressful). So this is when the support and encouragement has made a huge impact on my blog trek. Literally every time I have gotten to that point of giving up, I first remind myself why I am doing this, I love blogging, I love sharing what I share and I really hope it makes an impact in one way or another to somebody. Also, the God part, is at my low points while blogging, someone has randomly sent me a message or email sharing how much they appreciated something I have shared, or they were inspired to try one of my ideas or a cool opportunity has come up, seriously it has all been perfect timing. So guys, if you have something nice to say to someone, never hesitate to do it, you can really make their entire day and give them the push they need to keep going. I am happy to report that I have since stopped obsessing over stats, I barely check them now. As I have pushed through, remained consistent(ish), they have improved so much, and I am so thankful for this.
Another unwarranted side effect I have experienced is dealing with comparing myself. This was not my intent, it was to simply seek out other successful blogs as an example when executing mine. Somehow I fell into the comparison trap, it is a black hole with no value. I am teaching myself to admire without acquiring. I do not consider myself a jealous person, but in a sense, I just wanted to be there, be at a point where people care enough to read and engage. I know how ridiculous this sounds because these people have put in way more years than me and probably felt the same way at some point. Not everyone will catch on initially, sometimes you have to do it alone (or what feels like alone). Side Note: Will Smith said best here. It is a hard time to start blogging as it is in a sense an over-saturated market, so many people are doing it, and it is easy to get lost in a sea of so many. I knew this starting out, but again it comes back to why I am doing this. I am doing this as an outlet I so desperately need, and I have to remind myself that I can still bring something unique to the table that no one else can. God made each of us unique!
“It’s at the Heart of everything we struggle with in life: Longing to be valuable, to be accepted, to be prized, to be worth something to somebody, to have a life that matters, and God’s saying ‘YOU MATTER! I didn’t make anyone else like you. You’re not a reprint or a lithograph. You’re a one-of-a-kind, original creation of God.” - Louie Giglio
One year down!!! Many more to go!
Okay enough of the struggles. I have met a great community of bloggers/influencers and this has opened doors in just this short year that I have never thought possible. I have grown this year and have learned to better express myself verbally. I have always struggled to appropriately express the words on my heart, out loud. Sometimes when I am finished with a post, I read it and I surprise myself, in a good way. I have said a few times that my goal in life is to just blend in & stay behind the scenes, but that’s because I have this weird awkwardness and shyness about me and a fear that I will not say what I mean appropriately. This trek (blogging) has pushed me out of my comfort zone so much. I putting myself out. I saw this quote “You cannot grow in your comfort zone”. Instagram really is a source of discomfort, but that is a whole other topic. Anyway, as humans we have this innate desire to grow and growth can be painful and uncomfortable. But the reward is worth it.
My true desire is to live my life with purpose, God’s purpose. I make plans but want to leave room for God’s will to be done in my life (from a great message from Dr. Tony Evans). I look forward to seeing what’s in store for my life, your life (I want to hear about it), and for this blog this year!!! I am praying doors are open in our lives that no man can close. I am praying the favor of God over our lives. I pray whatever your dream is, you take the courage to take the next step towards achieving it and you keep going no matter how uncomfortable it is! Thank you again for reading and sticking with me as I work through this trek of life!!!
'“One of the great benefits of our ‘Era of Opportunity’ is that once we have that vision and that way to make the right decisions on those opportunities, the stage is set for us women to make an eternal difference in this world.'“ -S. Feldhahn
Some of my favorite adventures throughout the last year are on the wall behind me.
If you are reading this and have not subscribed, please consider subscribing! Having a healthy list of subscribers help me take my blog to the next level. I promise not to spam you. Head over to my instagram for details of a small giveaway that I am doing for my subscribers.
P.S. If you like my gallery wall, check out the details here. It’s super budget friendly.