Faux Brick Wall - White Washed


Let me start by saying, this project’s results were not my favorite, but I am still working on making it exactly how I want. Despite this, I still wanted to share it, because I have gotten lots of questions about it. I am hoping that the mistakes I made can help someone make it better. Or maybe you love it just as it is.

I LOVE home projects (I get ambitious and sometimes this stresses my husband out) and I especially LOVE textured walls. My original idea was to install bricks on the wall in my master, but I have slight issues with doing something that requires such long-term commitment. It also just seems so heavy to install on a wall (yes, I know it’s perfectly fine to go on a wall, if done properly). I even considered thin brick veneers. I know me though, and eventually, I will want to change it, this still seemed too permanent. So I went to Pinterest to get some ideas - white washed faux brick wall paneling was the winner. I had installed brick panels in my old house game-room, but I did not want to leave it red as my current color scheme in my master is a light and airy pallet. This is low commitment, as the panels are easy to install and easy to remove.  

Tools used for install:

  • Kingston Brick Hardboard Wall Panel purchased from home depot - $28

  • 4 bottles of liquid nails per panel

  • Saw to cut the panels (Note: Do not forget to cut holes for the power outlet)

  • Nail gun and nails for added security (used mostly in the corners and middle)

  • Caulk – I used white

  • Small sponge (to smooth the caulk)

Supplies For white wash:

  • Rigged towel

  • White or a variation of white paint (My color is not full on white, I think it’s called Shark in the lightest shade)

  • Sponge roller

  • Bucket of water

What I would do different?

For starters, I would have purchased a darker brick panel. Lowes sells these - Embossed Red Brick Hardboard Wall Panel. They are slightly more at $34 per panel. I think the darker panel would give me better contrast and look better with the white wash. Next mistake, I applied a thin-ish coat of paint, but it dried quickly.  After sponging this on, I tried to wash off the paint but it was very challenging to get the paint off. Next time I would mix the paint with water, then apply. I would still use the rigged towel to remove some of the paint.


I am going to keep the panels up for now, but I would like to somehow create more contrast between the bricks. I have seen a few ideas that I found on Pinterest to help me achieve greater contrast. I will share an update once I figure it out and find the time to do it.

I hope you enjoy this post. If you have any more questions regarding the actual install, please feel free to reach out or leave a comment below.