Texas Parks: Stroller or Carrier?

We love the outdoors, and contrary to what many may think, Texas has some really nice parks and recreational areas. As a frequent visitor of these parks, I noticed that there is little to no information about whether you should bring a stroller or carrier for the little ones. I think carrier is always the safest choice, but it can be uncomfortable and hot, especially in the Texas heat.

I have compiled a list of parks in Texas, along with my recommendation of stroller or carrier. I hope this helps as much as it would’ve helped me prior to going. My learn is your gain! This will be a running list and I will keep making updates as they come.

Lost Maples State Park: Definitely a carrier (Not stroller accessible)

Garner State Park: Carrier (with exception of the Old Entrance Road Trail it’s paved)

Photo Taken from Garner State Park Site

Photo Taken from Garner State Park Site

Hamilton Pool Preserve: Carrier

There is a hike down of several steps to the natural pool

Enchanted Rock: Carrier

Photo Taken From Enchanted Rock State Site

Photo Taken From Enchanted Rock State Site

McKinney Falls State Park: Both, Stroller for Onion Creek Hike and Bike Trail

Photo Taken by McKinney Fall State Park site

Photo Taken by McKinney Fall State Park site

Big Bend National Park: Carrier

I have not had the pleasure of going here yet, but hoping to rent a RV and go in the fall. There are 2 trails noted as wheelchair accessible - Panther Path and Window View Trail - so I bet a stroller could be used.

Photo Taken by National Park

Photo Taken by National Park

Palo Duro Canyon: Both, Carrier for all trails EXCEPT Pioneer Nature Trail

Did you know that these are the second largest canyons in the U.S.? Yes, in Texas. No I have not been here, but I felt this one was worth mentioning as well.

Photo Taken from State Park site

Photo Taken from State Park site

Brazos Bend State Park: Both, Stroller for Creekfield Lake Nature Trail, Carrier for all others


Krause Springs: Due to stairs, a carrier, but you could carry a small stroller down the steps.


Guadelupe Mountains National Park: Both, Stroller for Manzanita and Piney Trail

Photo Taken by National Park site.

Photo Taken by National Park site.

Monahans Sandhills State Park: Carrier

Never been but looks super cool!

Taken from the state site

Taken from the state site

There are several other parks and recs, I will work on continuing to update this list. If it is stroller friendly, it is also wheelchair accessible. I hope this list helps!!!

Since we are on the topic of carriers, wanted to share one that I like, HERE.

Thanks for reading! XOXO