I have partnered with Sola Wood Flowers to share a DIY project using their AMAZING wood flowers. This was my first time working with wood flowers and the thing I am most surprised by is how much they look like real flowers and they are much easier to manipulate than I expected. They have several different colors and even have craft kits that you can purchase and make your own decor or centerpiece or bouquet. And most importantly, they support other women to succeed in the development of their own small businesses (GIRL POWER!).
I really enjoyed working on this project and it felt very therapeutic. I think right now with everything going on in the world (COVID-19), it is a good time to pre-occupy ourselves (or not) and this board can be used as several things. Do you have an idea or thought that pops in your head? Jot it down and clip it to the board. Do you have someone who you want to prayer for? Jot their name or the prayer down and clip it on the board. Or perhaps you have dreams for when things are “back to normal”? Jot them down and pin them to your board!
Here is how I made the board-
The supplies:
Canvas or Board - I used a Gesso Wood Board (from Hobby Lobby - don’t forget to use 40% off code)
Mini clothes pins (click here for ones I used that includes the string)
Push pins
Optional: Sola Wood Softener
1.Place the flowers on the board to create layout.
I decided to go with 2 corners that are symmetrical (same design, same flowers, just swapped the main colors on each). Honestly, the flowers are so beautiful that it is hard to arrange them badly. Take a picture so you can reference how you arranged them on the board.
I created a small line on the side of the board of each side so that I could know how low and high the string can begin and end based on the arrangement of the flowers.
2. Remove the flowers and begin to string the board
I used a push pin to fasten the string in. That way I can make adjustments for future if need be. It can also be stapled or glued in.
3. The fun part: Glue on the flowers
Using the hot glue gun, begin to add on the flowers referencing the photo of your design. I worked my way in to out first, then added the filler - greenery and baby’s breath (seriously the weirdest name, right?). The flowers glue on very easily. Now is the time you would use the soften solution if you want to make the wood flowers more malleable (Note: I did not need to use).
4. Add the Mini Clothespins and your Content
I cut up squares of paper or you can use index cards. Mine will be used as a prayer board. There are so many times I tell people I will pray for them and I forget or I only do it in that moment. This will help me to remember my prayers for others.
5. Hang or Find the Perfect Spot for your Beautiful Board
Find a spot that works and hang it or place it. Then enjoy it and use it! Lastly, go back to Sola Wood Flowers and find your next creation.
My mom gave me this great idea and she made one of her own as well. Feel free to get as fancy as you want. You can paint the board, use fancy string/ribbon, add more greenery, etc. I wanted to make this easy and fun so that everyone can follow along!
My mom’s fancy board!
I hope you enjoyed this DIY prayer/idea board using Sola Wood Flowers! If you try one, please email or tag me on Instagram!
Thanks for stopping by, XoXo.