Watercolor Challenge

Art is like therapy for me. It’s a time for me to quiet my thoughts and focus them on what’s in front of me. It’s also something I highly enjoy doing. I hope to spend more time in the future developing my abilities.

I decided to pick up some watercolors a few months ago and I have been trying to figure them out for a while. I still am not sure I know what I am doing with them, but I decided to do a personal watercolor challenge for myself, to help build my confidence. It totally worked!

I used Pinterest and YouTube to help me get going. One that thing differs from watercolor to other art mediums is that watercolor is less forgiving, once it’s down, it’s down. I tried to stay lose for that reason, mostly as I get more comfortable with it. I also learned that with watercolor, the quality of the materials matter more. I got a premium set off Amazon during their Prime Day sale and the pad that came with it had 20 sheets and so began my watercolor-a-day challenge. I wanted to share the progression of my challenge from Day 1-20.

I hope you like them or at least 1. What’s your favorite?

As always, thanks for stopping by! XoXo