Santa Fe Clock

Everyone needs an outlet or 2 or 5, would be great. For me, my outlet is drawing/painting. About 4 years ago, I decided to start oil painting. It has been a huge challenge for me, but in a good way. It gives me something else to focus on, even if it’s only for a couple hours per week. Since I’ve had my second baby, it’s been even less than that. Once we get a good routine going, I hope to make time for it more consistently. I like to paint what I see and often times on trips, I get inspired.


I wanted to share a painting that goes along with my New Mexico post. I saw this beautifully colored antique clock located just outside the New Mexico Museum of Art and had to paint it. I am glad I did, because it turned out to be one of my favorite paintings. It took me roughly 10 hours, over 3 weeks, to paint. It’s 11 x 14 on oil. Unfortunately we moved recently, and this one somehow got lost. This photograph below is all I have left of it. I hope one day I will find it.

In the future, I hope to be able to sell art like above. I just need to get more efficient. Please stay tuned!

P.S. If you look in the Santa Fe section of my New Mexico post, you will see the image I took that I painted this from.